Newsletters and regular resources for FrontEnd developer
The resources presented in the article are primarily addressed to the SPA-focused Front-End developers.
To be honest, these are my favorite resources.
so my taste preferences could affect the choice
The information bellow is suitable for both juniors
and seniors
"Baseline" pack
Here i collect required set of resources to follow
:teacher: quick scan all articles from these subscriptions on a regular basis, and study in detail 1-3 depending on free time.
- JavaScript Weekly
- CSS Weekly
- TypeScript Weekly
- React Status [or your favorite
Weekly] - Web standards podcast
"Nice To Have" pack
- Сдел ай мне красиво podcast
- Dev tips by Umar Hansa
- not actively updated but study its archive to improve your chrome dev tools skills
"Development is my livehobby" pack
In fact, I am subscribed to a much more useless stuff,
but these I described above seem to cover the actual informational stream
💡 Regular newsletters are only one part of your professional progress.
Do not forget about studying technologies and tools using courses(or self-study), books, take part in open source.